Relief Society Presidency

Relief Society Presidency-

Melinda: 571-274-0093
Julie: 801-705-6930
Amy: 360-601-8020

Friday, October 29, 2010

Helping the community with one halloween carnival at a time!

Getting ready to go

Inviting others..what relief society does best! :)


                                        Halloween Carnival
                                                                    "The Center"

In Provo "The Center"(Rec Building across from OZZ) was preparing to to make a Halloween Carnival for Elementary kids and the community to enjoy. We were able to help!

Floating Candles

All the candles sticks we put together

Putting up Flowers

This is my favorite picture! ha ha

The decorations were amazing!

This guy is funny!
Treats and friends...not a better combo!

The breads were so good!


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Ice Cream Opening Social

"I had always thought that once you grew up you could do anything you wanted--stay up all night or eat ice-cream straight out of the container."

     -Bill Bryson ( American Writer b. 1946)